Tami Jo Lieberg

Steering Committee Highlight

Steering Committee Member

Why did you join the Vision 2040 Steering Committee?

I was asked to join but have found that it has been an exciting collaboration looking at how to help individuals in our community grow and engage from their individual perspectives. I enjoy exploring new ideas and initiatives that have the potential to improve our community.

What Vision 2040 project or initiative are you most passionate about and why?

I have a passion for positive inclusion and wellness, helping people be the best that they can be. I believe we can create a better tomorrow by celebrating diversity and learning from others.

Tami Jo Lieberg

What's their favorite place in Kandiyohi County and why?

The Lakes and Sibley State Park, I love being outdoors, sailing, skiing, kayaking and hiking.

Where are you employed? What is your profession?

I am the Kandiyohi Community Corrections Director.

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