Join the Movement in the Willmar Lakes Area
Adopt and integrate this anti-racism statement as a first step in combating racism. Complete the form below to join the movement to take a stance against racism.
This anti-racism statement was developed by an Inclusion Focus Area sub-committee of Willmar Lakes Area Vision 2040 and adopted by the City of Willmar Human Rights Commission.
433 pledges taken!
Notice of Public Intent
We intend to make public the names and organizations that have submitted and signed this statement. We ask for your name, address, phone number, and email address to verify your identity. Your personal and business information will not be shared with other individuals or organizations.
The individuals, organizations, and institutions undersigned affirm their commitment to recognizing, addressing, and opposing all forms of hateful behaviors, racism, and social injustice.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Our communities’ futures require that all of us commit to fighting racism in all its forms. We must ensure that Black, Indigenous, People of Color can safely and freely live, work, and play and that everyone's rights are respected, no exceptions.
- Recognize that bias can be unconscious or unintentional.
- Stand committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity.
- Believe that diversity, inclusion, and equity will make us more innovative, creative, and productive.
- Recognize that our communities have significant work to do to address systemic racism.
- Resolve to actively listen to our Black, Indigenous, People of Color colleagues, friends, and communities on these issues; to unlearn behavior and assumptions; to humbly admit when we are wrong, even in situations that make us uncomfortable.
- Commit to building pathways to increase diversity in leadership positions and decision-making in our communities.
- Actively challenge policies that perpetuate systems of oppression and inequities in our communities.
We recognize that our objectives require ongoing reflection and action, and further recognize the need for adaptation as we encounter new perspectives and additional information. This statement must be a "living statement, able to be amended as we gain new understandings.
Individual Endorsements
Aaron Backman
Abbey Weiler
Alberto Ramos
Alissa Martinka
Aly Heidecker
Amanda Strommer
Amanda Titus
Amber Silva
Amelia Ryan
Amy Bircahrd
Amy Holtz
Amy Maher
Andrea Pieske
Andres Albertsen
Andrew Bregar
Andrew Jonathan Nordin
Andrew Nordin
Andrew Youngberg
Angela French
Angie Caskey
Anisabel Palma
Anita Flowe
Anita Flowe
Ann Marie Youngdahl
Ann Trochlil
Anna Haats
Annelle Guillemard
Annelle Guillemard
Annie Tepfer
Ashleigh cola
Ashley Gabbert
Ashley Gilbertson
Barb Bengtson
Barbara Anahi Moreno
Becca Kazemzadeh
Ben and Maria Larson
Ben Dolan
Benjamin Anderson
Benjamin Kowalsky-Grahek
Beth Podratz
Beth Singleton
Bethany Lacktorin
Bob and Patti Dols
Bonnie Hauser
Brad Schmidt
Brian M Thompson
Bridget Pederson
Bridgett Ouren
Bridgett Ouren
Brielle Barrett
Caitlyn Bellig
Cameron Murphy
Candice Clemens
Carin Loseth
Carmen Middleton
Carol Meier
Carol Schmiesing
Catheryn Duruji
Cathy Halbritter
Cherie Miller
Cheryl Alinder, RN
Cheryl Wright
Christina Vander Pol
Christine Kruger
Christine Lindgren
Christine Newcomer
Cindy Firkins Smith
Cindy Rice
Cindy Salfer
Claudette Larson
Colleen hern
Connie Mort
Connie Spartz
Corky Berg
Corky Berg
Craig Johnson
Cynthia Koll Tengwall
Cynthia Schumaier
Dan Hovland
Dane Skilbred
Daniel Clarke
daniel hanson
Darcy Lease-Gubrud
Darren Lindemann
David Feist
David Helmstetter
David Moody
David Newcomer
Dean Shuck
Deb Mortenson
Debbie Ardoff
Debi Brandt
Dena Horning
Denise Fossen
Diana Anderson
Diane Spanier
Dick and Mary Huesing
Didiana Rosales
Donn Winckler
Doris cogelow
Dorothy Rosemeier
Doug Knick
Doug Wilkowske
Dr. Jeffrey Holm
Duane & Mary Semmler
Elisa Obregon
Elizabeth Anna Windingstad
Elizabeth Unger
Ellee Bjork
Eric Holien
Erik Homme
Fernando Alvarado
Gabriel Benson
Ginna. Calvin
Glenn Leitch
Greta Langland
Hailey Wolf
Hamdi Kosar
Hannah Arnold
Heather Marcus
Heidi Davis
Heidi Haverkamp-Davis
Heidi L Olson
Ildi Sundheim
Jacob Wells
Jais Lacktorin
Jan Dahl
Jane Miller
Janet Meier
Janne M Gossman
Jay Morrison
Jean Geselius
Jeff Miller
Jeff Polman
Jeff Vetsch
Jeff Warszynski
Jehana Schwandt
Jen Hovland
Jenna Bosch
Jennifer Jeffords
Jennifer Klatt
Jennifer Lindquist
Jennifer Pierce-Chornomor
Jerson Chelene
Jessica Rohloff
Jill Bengtson
Jill Benson
Jill James
Jill Rezac
Jim Martinson
Jo DeBruycker
Joan Gunderman
Joel Halbritter
John Lindstrom
John Benson
john bergman
John Dahl
John Dean
John Harren
John Kellen
John Kellen
John Salgado
John Seerden
John Wallin
Jon O Nelson
Jonathan Dahl
Jonathan Marchand
Joseph Schnell
Joshua Morgan
jovanie aguirre
Joy Baker
Joyce Birchard
Joyce Tofte
Judy Meyering
Julie Asmus
Julie Lloyd
Julie Neubauer
Julie Sevig
Justin Ask
Kala Rudningen
Karen J. Thibault
Karen Noyce
Karen Rinke
Karen Schneider
Karen Schneider
Kari Kuhlman
Kari Mobley
Kari Slinden
Kay Slama
Keith Balaski
Kelly Asche
Kelly Gardner
Kelly Magnuson
Kelly Morrell
Ken Warner
Kerrie Speer
Kerry Hogan
Kim Boysen
Kim Madsen
Kimberly Sombke
Kip R Oveson
Kirk Vander Pol
Kristen Hanson
Kristen Smutka
Kristen Thaden
Kristen Tone
Kristi Thorpe
Kristi Thorpe
Kristin Allen
Kylie Halvorson
LaRae DuFresne
Larry Fujan
Larry kleindl
Laura Flann
Laura Kriese
Laura Kuvaas
Laura Morales
Lee Sietsema
Leslie Zeek
Lilbon Clark
Linda Olsen
Lisa Bergh
Londa Burns
Lori Anderson
Lori Lockhart
Lori Park-Smith
Lu Fransen
LuAnn Parker
Mari Klebe
Maria Spanier
Mariah Ralston Deragon
Marissa Lauer
Marlene Hovland
Marlin G Breems
Marsha Milani
Martha & Randy Alsleben
Martha Tack
Marv Calvin
Mary BethNehl
\Mary Catherwood
Mary Gruis
Mary Gruis
Mary LaRue
Mary Lindstrom
Mary Warszynski
Marybeth Nelson
Matthew Feuerborn
Matthew Proehl
Megan Beaver
Megan Morrison
Melanie Eckhart
Melissa Akerson
Melissa Knott
Melissa Margaret Majerus
Melissa Margaret Majerus
Melissa Peterson
Michelle Weiler
Mikayla Holm
Mike Fischer
Mike Fischer
Mike Gramm
Mike Thielke
Mindy Rannow-Kurkosky
Mitra Engan
Mohamed Hassan
Mona Lackore
Monica V Wells
Nadia Milani Fifita
Nancy Fasching
Nancy Hafner
Naomi Baker
Naomi Baker
Natalie Day
Natasha Duran
Natasha Duran
Nels Onstad
Nicole Arnhold
Nicole Meyer
Nikki Erickson
Pablo & Erika Obregon
Patricia and John Merickel
Patricia Cain
Patrick j Thibault
Paul Larson
Paulette Korsmo
Paulette Korsmo
Peggy Ammermann
Peggy Karsten
Peggy Sietsema
Rachel Dunlavy
Ramona Berg
Rayn Hedlund
Rebbecca Moen
Rebecca Chelene
Renee Brandt
Rhonda Otteson
Rhonda Otteson
Richard Engan
Roger Imdieke
Ronald Ferguson
Ronald Hanson
Rose Newhouse
Roshan Kazemzadeh
Sacia Matheson
Sally Johnson
Sam Huseby
Sandy Tracy
Sara Carlson
Sarah Swedburg
Scott D Wallner
Sharon Tollefson
Shawn Mueske
Sheila Rohne
sheldon mackinnon
Shelly Bormann
Sherman Schueler
Sherris Klaers
Skip Wright
Stacy Griffey
Stephanie Carlson
Stephanie Holland
Steve Ammermann
Steve Gardner
Steve Molenaar
Steve Trochlil
Steven Meier
Steven Tammen
Sue Jones
Suzanne & Marv Napgezek
Suzanne Wilson
Tammie Knick
Tammy Porwoll
Teren Novotny
Terresa Westerman
Terrin DeBoer
Thomas Gilbertson
Thomas Tie
Tim Schroepfer
Timothy Michael Crawford
Tobias Spanier
Tori Leitch
Traci Bos
Tyler Johnson
Tyson Tofte
V Mortenson
Vicki Davis
Vicki Norton
Victoria Guillemard
Wendy Nelsen
Wesley Boberg
Will & Mary Baumann
William Baumann
William Paterson
Organizational, Business and Non-Profit Endorsements
Anfinson Gilbertson Wealth Management
Carris Health- CentraCare
CDS Financial Services, LLC
City of New London City Council
City of Willmar
Community Integration Center
Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing, PLLP
Crow River Players/ New London Little Theatre
Department of Public Transformation
Diamante Night Club
Employment Plus of Willmar
First Presbyterian Church
Giovanni's Pizza
Glacial Lakes Adult Education - Willmar ABE
Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
Glacial Lakes Adult Education Consortium
Great Lakes Training Group
Habitat for Humanity of West Central MN
Hanson and Fonkert Dental Clinic
Iglesia Luterana Paz y Esperanza / Peace and Hope Lutheran Church
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Kandiyohi County Area Family YMCA
Kandiyohi County Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Kandiyohi County Sheriff' Office
Lakeland Broadcasting
Lakes Area Review
Mid-Minnesota Development Commission
MNYou Inc.
New London Arts and Culture Alliance
New London Little Theatre
New London Roaming Cinema
Ridgewater College
Southwest Initiative Foundation
Unite Community Action Partnership
Valdovinos Millwright Construction
Vinje Lutheran Church
Vision 2040 Leadership
West Central Industries, Inc.
West Central Tribune
Willmar Area Community Foundation
Willmar Community Center
Willmar District PTSA - Lakeland Elementary and Roosevelt Elementary
Willmar Interfaith Network
Willmar Kiwanis
Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
Willmar Public Schools
Woodland Centers