We heard you! Thank you to the Vision 2040 refresh meeting attendees providing us with your insight on how to improve our non profit organization. This input is invaluable for how Vision 2040 will look in the future. We look forward to sharing with the community the process of developing and rebranding our mission and purpose. If you are interested in joining in the efforts, give us a shout or join a 30-day sprint!

Refresh Event Attendees
The community came together to discuss and assess the value of Willmar Lakes Area Vision 2040 as an organization and what direction it should go moving forward. It was so great seeing the community gather! Several opportunities were available to attend including a gathering on July 20th and two sessions on September 14th; one in the morning and one in the evening.
There were approximately 100 community members in attendance including the KCEO group!
The purpose of this gathering was to get feedback on the following questions:
- Is there value in haiving an entity like the current Vision 2040 to help support this kind of work? Thoughts on position, name, infrastructure.
- What do we need to build, grow or enhance for Kandiyohi County to be better now in the next five years?
- What would excite or engage YOU to help lead efforts like this?
Is there value in having a community group like Vision 2040?
The response was overwhelming from the community members that attended. There is value to having a non-profit, community driven initiative like Vision 2040 be a leading connector for the community!

Vision 2040 Brand & Focus
The following bar graph shows a variety of responses and feedback from community members on where Willmar Lakes Area Vision 2040 should go next and what the focuses of the efforts should be.

Common Themes for 2040
The input of the attending community members was grouped into categories. The following items are themes that occured multiple times from several different people.
- Improve access to V2040 information, materials and ability to be ‘found’
- Consider an App for 2040
- Create a cohort of Corporate/Agency Champions to help newcomers to engage and get involved
- Create a student ambassador program to get ideas from and engage youth in decision making and connect intentionally with Ridgewater students to help retain/engage them post-education
- Ensure equity in our messaging…could we use video more in multiple languages?
- Wider geography in the name or make it ‘catchy’ without a date in it (Kandiyohi County vs Willmar)
Parking Lot Ideas
The following items are ideas that came out of the community feedback but may require further vetting, a community leader to step forward and/or just need to table for a later date.
- 100 acres for the community to design recreational uses
- Hwy 12 reboot and beautification
- Amateur Soccer team like the Stingers/WarHawks
- OktoberFest event
- More activities 14-35 year olds locally
- Co-Housing
- Artist Cooperative
- Celebrate both history and future
- Sculptures for public art
- Railroad bridges to improve traffic
- Senior aged housing with underground parking if multi-family
- Increased special needs education and ‘gifted/talented’ education opportunities

Get Involved
Willmar Lakes Area Vision 2040 is determined to build healthy communities where people are proud to live, work, do business and raise a family. Are you ready to join us to make a difference in your community?