The Bounce Back Project is a community-based project that is working to share information about resiliency.
This project originated in the Monticello/Buffalo area and is now in Kandiyohi County. We know there are great things already going on in the community and great ideas floating out there. The Bounce Back Project team would like to give the members of Kandiyohi County an opportunity to share these ideas and apply for funding for projects that relate to the Bounce Back Project resiliency topics:

The Kandiyohi County Bounce Back Project Team is comprised of members from:

If you need assistance with your project, our team is here to help. If you have questions, please contact us.
Learn More
For additional information on the Bounce Back Project and its origin, check out the website
To apply for funding for projects that relate to the Bounce Back Project resiliency topics, fill out the application on our funding page.
Get Involved
Willmar Lakes Area Vision 2040 is determined to build healthy communities where people are proud to live, work, do business and raise a family. Are you ready to join us to make a difference in your community?