Develop the skills to build inclusive communities
Our advanced leadership training program focuses on preparing the next generation of leaders to answer the call to serve the communities of the Willmar Lakes Area. L.E.A.D., under the direction of Program Director Jennifer Lindquist, brings together a diverse group of participants from around the Willmar Lakes Area and Kandiyohi County to empower leaders by developing professional and personal skills for the betterment of our communities.

Participants will....

Special Thank You to Our Partners
Support the Program
Our partners make the L.E.A.D. of Kandiyohi County program possible. If you are looking for a way to support our program or assist with a small business scholarship fund, we ask that you consider donating. Willmar Area Community Foundation has a way to donate through their website now. 'Choose LEAD of Kandiyohi County' for funds to go directly to our program.

Program Description
The purpose of L.E.A.D. is to empower individuals from diverse segments of the Willmar Lakes Area to serve as leaders who will strengthen our communities by developing their professional and personal skills. L.E.A.D. is designed to educate and motivate citizens for community leadership and volunteer service. Participants are selected on the basis of ability, leadership potential, and demonstrated interest in the community.
Participation in the program represents a significant commitment of time and dedication. The sessions will typically be held during the day on the second Thursday of the month from September to April.
Applicant Commitment
Applicants are expected to serve and strengthen the area upon completion of the program. Although some employers may have an internal selection process, submitting an application does not guarantee a position in the L.E.A.D. Class.
The Selection Committee may be unable to place all eligible candidates, even if these applicants have demonstrated excellent credentials. These applicants are encouraged to re-apply for future programs.
Assignments outside of class sessions may be required. If selected as a participant, applicants will be expected to attend all sessions and complete program assignments.
Applicants shall certify that the information provided on the application is true and complete, and agree that falsified information or significant omissions may disqualify a candidate from further consideration by the Selection Committee. Such behavior may be considered justification for dismissal from the program if discovered after admittance.
Selection Criteria
- Participants will be chosen by the Selection Committee based on application materials submitted by program candidates.
- The Selection Committee strives to recruit candidates from a representative cross-section of the Willmar Lakes Area.
- Participants must have motivation, interest, and a commitment to serve the community.
- Individuals living or working in the Willmar Lakes Area are eligible to participate. A maximum of 30 candidates will be selected to participate in the L.E.A.D. Class.
- Participants are expected to attend all the sessions and activities associated with them in various communities throughout the Willmar Lakes Area. The sessions will typically be held during the day on the second Thursday of the month from September to April.
- Applicants should present evidence of past or current community involvement and demonstrate a willingness to commit themselves to active volunteer involvement in the community.
- Program Candidates must demonstrate an ability to achieve personal goals and have time available to dedicate to community service as well as a personal commitment to the Willmar Lakes Area.