Steering Committee Highlight
Steering Committee Member
Why did you join the Vision 2040 Steering Committee?
I was asked to fill in for another member and jumped at the opportunity to get involved. I enjoy exploring new ideas and initiatives that make our community better and being a part of moving them forward.
What Vision 2040 project or initiative are you most passionate about and why?
I’ve probably been most impacted by the YMCA, Dorothy Olson Aquatic Center, and the Willmar Dog Park – all facilities that our family has used and enjoyed over the years.
What's their favorite place in Kandiyohi County and why?
The lakes, no question. (Green Lake especially). And Eagle Creek Golf Course.

Where are you employed? What is your profession?
I am the Vice President for Advancement & Outreach and the Foundation Executive Director at Ridgewater College. My job involves leading and overseeing marketing, communications, recruiting, community outreach and engagement, alumni relations, and Foundation.