Vegetable Grow Kits

Plants do amazing things, they over come resistance of growth through dirt, perhaps even a crack in the sidewalk. They may struggle to thrive in dry climates, but are still able to grow. This is a perfect way to describe being resilient, growing and thriving even in difficult situations. Being are silient person takes effort and intention.

Vegetable Grow Kit

Get One & Give One!

Keep one planting kit for yourself to grow and be inspired by the resilient strength of the plants and GIVE one kit to someone else as a Random Act of Kindness!

Materials Needed:

  • 4 Pots
  • Soil
  • Seeds (4 types included)
  • 4 Marking Sticks
  • Watering Can/Water (not included)
  • Ruler/Tape Measure (not included)


Ask a Master Gardner
State Line (Multilingual)
(612) 301-7590

Directions: Growing the Plants

Step 1: Plant Your Seeds

  1. Fill your cups all the way to the top with soil.
  2. Poke a few small holes in the soil with your finger and drop 1 seed in each hole.
    • You won't need all the seeds! Save extras for next year or plant more than one plant.
    • Lettuce is the only seed to plant all of your seeds in your container. As closely as you can, plant one seed every inch.
  3. Carefully cover the seeds with soil.
  4. Using a marking stick, label your pots so you know which seeds are in whicn pots.

Step 2: Water & Watch Them Grow

  1. Carefully water seeds just enough to keep the soil moist throughout the growing period.
  2. Set pots in a sunny spot (windowsills work great!)
  3. Track their progress
    • Planting Date
    • Emergence Date (date you see the plant above soil)
  4. Transplant to a bigger container (coffee can, 5 gallon bucket, etc.) when plants are 6" tall.
    • Do not transplant lettuce. Harvest (cut) lettuce when lettuce is between 6"-10" and it will regrow 3-4 times!

Health Benefits

Leaf Lettuce

  • Good source of Vitamin A
  • Low in calories and sodium
  • No carbohydrates


  • High in antioxidants, which may help prevent heart disease and cancer
  • Can aid in heart health by lowering LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides

Bell Peppers

  • Great for your skin and imunity because of large amounts of vitamins A, C & E
  • May help reduce the risk of lung cancer


Pico de Gallo


  • 4 cups fresh tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 jalapeno pepper, finely chopped


Time needed: 20 minutes

  1. Combine finely chopped tomatoes, onions, lime juice and salt in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add desired amounts of jalapeno and cilantro, starting with lesser amounts and adding more to taste.
  3. Serve with eggs, tacos or other Southwestern dishes.
Pico de Gallo Photo
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